Rally Health /
Digital Asset Manager
Rally Health
Direction, Project Management, Ideation
Rally Health needed a searchable digital asset management system for its 50+ content creators, designers, external vendors and product managers. They had thousands of visual assets but no way to search through them. Teams wasted hours digging through Sketch and Illustrator files looking for assets for production needs. We set out to create a searchable system, where users could create and tag assets. The system also needed to be secure, while being easy to contribute to. The goal was to increase productivity and consistency across teams.
Creating a digital asset management library
We chose Frontify for the digital asset management system. I led the team that designed, organized and populated the system. I trained users to both use and contribute to the library.
We directed illustrators and designers to populate the library with guidelines we created. Our guidelines ensured that uploaded assets adhered to a consistent formatting. We facilitated and led training sessions to ensure everyone was comfortable using it.
Migrating assets to Figma
Our design teams previously used Sketch. We decided to switch to Figma to leverage the powerful library functionality which allowed us to create global assets that could be used everywhere. With Figma, we could track everywhere an asset was used. It could be a source of truth for utilization of illustrations and icons.
I led the design and library teams to jointly create guidelines to support the content migration task. We decided that legacy illustrations needed to be updated to be more consistent. This migration task was the perfect moment to create consistencies in aspect ratio, size and layout. Finally, we created a product specific library in Figma that became the go to library for all UI designs.
The Frontify and Figma libraries helped us leverage the full range of existing art instead of making new pieces. Frontify helped the illustrators create content more quickly. Figma helped designers create layouts easily with the most up to date assets. These two searchable libraries improved our productivity and brand consistency.